Our Ethical Values

Honesty and Integrity

Commits to providing open and honest information to all stakeholders, adhering to the principle of honesty.

Social Responsibility

Develops sustainable business practices, taking into account the needs of society and the environment.

Quality and Safety

Delivers the products and services in compliance with high-quality standards, with a primary focus on customer safety.

Privacy and Data Protection

Keeps customer and employee data confidential, while prioritizing privacy, and placing a strong emphasis on data security.

Innovation and Creativity

Consistently encourages new ideas, support innovation, and contributes to the industry.

Supply Chain

Supports fair working conditions and environmental sustainability within the supply chain.

Customer Focus

Prioritizes customer satisfaction, addressing their needs and requests as a top priority.

Education and Development

Encourages employees to seize continuous education and personal development opportunities.

Compliance with Competition Rules

Conducts the operations with strict adherence to competition rules.

Hailing from the fertile Mesopotamian lands which is the very cradle of agriculture, Yiğit Group, established three generations ago with its roots firmly entrenched in Şanlıurfa to provide nourishing, reliable, high-quality products to humanity, aspires to emerge as a global brand within the agricultural and food industry, pursuing its trajectory with resolute and secure strides.

Yiğit Group encompasses six different companies: Yiğit Tarım, Yiğit Agro, Maycot Tekstil, Yiğit Tekstil, Urfa Yem, and Yiğit Makarna, operating with a total production area of 20,000 square meters. With a team of over 250 employees, Yiğit Group continues to unite the bountiful products nurtured by the fertile lands of Şanlıurfa with the rest of Turkey and the world.